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Local Law 97 Issues Featured in NY Times Article

As the leading voice for the Co-op Community in New York, the PCCC has made awareness of the devastating impact of the Climate Mobilization Act (Local Law 97), a leading issue in our legislative agenda.  

Our voice has been heard loud and clear and has been the subject of feature articles in several major publications. The latest article was published by the New York Times entitled “What’s Holding Up New York’s Climate Progress? Apartment Buildings”.

This article examines the devastating financial impact that Local Law 97 will have on apartment buildings, which in reality means Coop and/or Condo buildings since rental buildings are exempt from the law. The case study in the article includes the situation in Glen Oaks Village as described by PCCC Co-President Bob Friedrich. 

Click Here For the Full Article

The article further discusses NY City Council Intro 913. If passed, Intro 913 would delay the implementation and enforcement of Local Law 97 for a period of seven (7) years. The PCCC fully supports this Intro and plans on mobilizing our members in a letter-writing campaign to City Council Members and Town Hall meetings in the upcoming weeks. Please keep an eye out for future correspondence from us with further directions.