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PCCC Meets With NYC Councilman Francisco Moya

The Executive Committee of the PCCC has continued to meet with local and state elected officials and candidates as part of our “Meet & Greet” sessions to discuss issues of importance to the Co-op community. We have met with numerous elected officials and candidates and all of the sessions have been extremely productive. On January 22, 2021, we met with New York City Councilman Francisco Moya (21st District). 
Councilman Moya discussed his vast work with the Co-op community, including the co-sponsoring the tax cap bill during his time as a Member of the NYS Assembly. In addition, Councilman Moya discussed a litany of issues that he has handled for the benefit of his Co-op constituents, including assisting in foreclosure litigation and preventing bicycle lanes from cutting off certain streets in his District. He also discussed forming a Co-op/Condo Caucus in the NYC Council, to help highlight and advance legislation that is important to the Co-op community.
Councilman Moya showed great interest in continuing to work closely with the Co-op community and we look forward to partnering with him on many important current and future issues.